Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts


PhDr. Roman Kodet, Ph.D.

door SO235

+420 377 63 5346


Mgr. et. Mgr. et. Bc. Zdeňka Špiclová, Ph.D.

Deputy Chair
door SD200

+420 377 63 5569


Mgr. Bohuslava Němcová, Ph.D.

Deputy Chair
door SD331

+420 377 63 5416

Representative of the academic staff:

PhDr. Jiří Zákravský, Ph.D.

Representative of the students:

Bc. Matěj Líbal

Elected academic staff members:

Elected student members:

The Academic Senate of the Faculty:

  • decides, through the agency of the Dean, on the establishment, unification, allocation, or dissolution of Faculty departments or divisions,
  • approves the drafts of internal legislation or regulations when proposed by the Dean,
  • approves revisions to the Academic Senate Rules of Procedure and, through the President of the Academic Senate of the Faculty, submits the revised documents to the Academic Senate of the UWB for approval – for all revisions to the Academic Senate Rules of Procedure, the Dean must be consulted,
  • approves the distribution of the financial means of the Faculty, submitted by the Dean, and controls the manner in which the finances are used,
  • approves the Annual Report of Faculty Activities and the Annual Economic Report of the Faculty submitted by the Dean,
  • approves the conditions for student admissions to study programmes at the Faculty,
  • gives approval to the Dean to appoint or remove members of the Scientific Board and members of the Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty,
  • decides on proposals for electing a new Dean or on the Dean’s dismissal from office,
  • approves the Strategic Plan of the Faculty, submitted by the Dean, which was elaborated in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the UWB and adjusted by the Scientific Board beforehand,
  • approves proposals for the implementation of the Faculty’s annual Strategic Plan.

The Academic Senate of the Faculty consults on:

  • drafts of study programmes offered by the Faculty,
  • the Dean’s intention to appoint or dismiss Vice-Deans of the Faculty.

Legislation of the Academic Senate