Faculty Events
The Faculty of Arts regularly organises or participates in the following events:
Adaptation Day “Prvák” (“Freshman”) – At the beginning of the academic year, the students of the Faculty of Arts arrange a “Freshman” welcome day for incoming colleagues to help our new students feel at home at the Faculty as soon as possible. As part of the day-long programme, new students will get to know their classmates, find out where the most important buildings are located, covering everything from the library to the Student Office, and learn plenty of information they need to successfully step into the university environment - how to navigate around the myriad of academic titles, where to borrow books, which student society to join, where to go out to eat, or the best place to spend the evening after a busy day of lectures. Up-to-date information is posted on the FB page Prvák FF ZČU and on Instagram @prvak_zcu_ff.
Open Day – Every year, the Faculty opens its buildings and classrooms to potential students and presents accredited study programmes and study plans to the public in a friendly and accessible way. Prospective students have the opportunity to explore the facilities where they will spend their time as students while meeting the Faculty members from each department. The Open Day is traditionally held in January.
Arabfest – The traditional festival of Arab culture takes place every spring. It is primarily organised by graduates of the Department of Middle East Studies.
One World – Students and academics of the Faculty of Arts regularly participate in the organisation of the international documentary film festival One World, which takes place in dozens of cities in the Czech Republic.
Pilsen Courtyards – For guided tours organised by the 700 Years of Pilsen Foundation, the Faculty annually provides outdoor spaces hidden in the inner parts of its buildings.
Gaudeamus – The Faculty regularly delegates representatives from among students and teachers to the Higher Education Exhibition.
Researchers’ Night – An event for the public, through which the University through its faculties aims to promote science.
Days of Science and Technology – Interactive exhibition in the centre of Pilsen, introducing science to primary and secondary schools and the general public in an entertaining way.
For up-to-date information on upcoming events, please visit the Faculty’s social media: