National Grants and Projects
Long-term landuse dynamics within the areas of prehistoric ritual places
PhDr. Petr Krištuf, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2025 – 31. 12. 2027
The Neolithic monuments were symbolically structuring landscape for centuries. How did the successive communities treat the monumental areas and did they reuse the ritual sites of their ancestors? Did these places retain their spiritual purpose or were they incorporated into the profane settlement area? Awareness of the ritual purpose of the space was certainly passed down in oral tradition, strongly supported by their visibility in the landscape. We aim to investigate the development and perception of ritual site by successive generations. Combining archaeological and natural science methods to analyse the dynamics of disappearance of monuments and reconstruct the change in perception of such sites. The project will focus on 2 areas representing different landuse pattern: long continuity of ritual activities and area where ritual activities were followed by residential complexes. We believe that qualitatively new data can be obtained by employing of interdisciplinary research maintaining comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of landscape from the Neolithic to the present day.
2 850 000 Kč
Phylogenetic reconstruction and long bone functional morphology in South African hominins
1. 1. 2025 – 31. 12. 2027
Mgr. Lukáš Friedl, Ph.D.
The project aims at the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships and functional morphology of South African hominins through the study of cortical and trabecular bone distribution in long bones of the limbs. Specifically, we aim to study the remains of Homo naledi from the Rising Star cave complex (U.W. 101 and 102 - the site number of the University of Witwatersrand) and newly discovered hominin remains from the U.W. 105 site, which have not yet been systematically described and assessed for their phylogenetic position. The proposed project will represent a particular section of a broader effort carried by a large international team led by prof. Lee Berger to map paleoanthropologically relevant areas of South Africa and to systematically describe and contextualize hominin finds from various sites across the region. The PI is part of the team since 2015 and worked on description and analysis of the lower limb long bones of H. naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave complex.
2 890 000 Kč
Unity across the border. Indicators of economic and social relations of the Urnfield Period in the Bohemian-Bavarian area
Mgr. Markéta Augustýnová, Ph.D., PhDr. Petr Menšík, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2023 – 31. 10. 2024
The aim of the project is the knowledge of the economic, social and cultural relations between the settlement regions of South Bohemia, West Bohemia and Bavaria in the Late and Final Bronze Ages. Based on archaeological data, three areas of study will be used to solve the problem: 1. settlement structures and settlement forms of the given period (taking into account the special type of trenchlike features, the occurrence of which is limited to the three regions only); 2. metal artefacts and their mass finds (indicator of technological, economic, stylistic and ritual activities); 3. subsistence strategies and the impact of settlements on the surrounding landscape. This approach will help shed light on the interrelationships between these areas. The studied regions are separated by the Šumava Mountains, yet in archaeological data it is possible to observe a greater similarity of southern and western Bohemia with Bavaria than with other Czech regions.
765 000 Kč
Bioarchaeology and Landscape Archaeology of the Nationalist-Socialist Repressions: Central-Eastern European Perspective
1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2025
doc. PhDr. Pavel Vařeka, Ph.D.
This project aims to explore the neglected material traces of Nazi mass repressions in the Czech Republic and Poland. The first aim of the project is to assess material evidence regarding the entanglement of the Nazi “campscape”, war production and military logistics. We will assess the materiality of “campscapes” linked to production areas and military installations in order to reveal the spatial, functional structure and the system of operation that made use of massively forced and slave labour, as well as the livi The second goal is to investigate graves of unidentified Nazi victims. The research aims to determine how and where repressive acts and murder occurred. The anthropological and archaeological evidence can reveal the cause of death, technique of execution, the way the victims had been treated before they died or were executed, and how the bodies were treated after death. Revealing historical events and a timeline for atrocities which have not been reflected in historical sources is arguably one way in which victims can have some sense of dignity returned to the..
6 363 000 Kč
Key cultural sources, ideas, and practices of Western alternative spirituality and medicine
1. 1. 2023 – 31. 12. 2025
Mgr. Jan Kapusta, Ph.D.
The project concerns the historical, cultural, and social aspects of the doctrinal base and embodied experience in contemporary Western (and especially Czech) alternative spirituality. The research intends to contribute to the understanding of energy, a key concept which certainly deserves more scholarly attention, and to fill a knowledge gap regarding the ways in which Czech alternative spirituality interacts with Latin American indigenous cultural material, contemporary shamanism, and textual and audiovisual popular culture. Specifically, the goal is to describe and interpret how alternative spirituality is historically and socially produced and reproduced and how concrete embodied and narrated experiences intersect with established cultural norms and values. The research will be based on two main methodologies: discourse analysis and hermeneutics, on the one hand, and qualitative fieldwork and ethnography, on the other..
4 414 000 Kč
In their own words: How and why crime occurs in the autobiographical narratives of offenders
Mgr. Václav Walach
1. 1. 2022 — 31. 12. 2024
This project is motivated by an interest in how and why crime occurs from the perspective of offenders. Grounded in sociology of crime and particularly narrative criminology, the aim of the project is to examine how the perpetrators of petty, economic, and political crime make sense of their criminal action in their autobiographical narratives. We assume that comparing autobiographical narratives of different types of offenders in a socio-cultural context that has been rather excluded from narrative criminological research will allow for expanding the existing knowledge on the role of life stories in criminal action. The research is based on the method of narrative interviewing, supplemented with the procedure of life history calendar as adapted to qualitative research to increase the quality of the retrospective longitudinal data. Research participants will be recruited using three channels: NGOs, the Probation and Mediation Service and the Prison Service.
2 953 000 Kč
The Development of Presocratic Cosmologies and Its Implications for Conceptions of the Classical Era
doc. PhDr. Radim Kočandrle, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2022 — 31. 12. 2024
The project focuses on investigating the development of presocratic cosmologies and identification of its implications for conceptions of the Classical Era. Although in cosmologies of the sixth and fifth century BCE development is usually not accentuated, this project assumes it. Its starting point is identified with the conception of the heavenly sphere whose formulation amounted to a departure of the meteorological character of cosmologies of sixth century BCE. Together with a reconstruction of key presocratic conceptions, this project will demonstrate that the basic layout of Plato’s and Aristotle’s universe is a direct result of this development, whereby Parmenides can be considered its originator. An account of the development of presocratic cosmologies will, moreover, allow us to critically assess some hitherto generally accepted testimonies.
1 345 000 Kč
Czech foreign policy during the European refugee crisis: roles and ideologies
prof. Ing. Petr Drulák, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2022 — 31. 12. 2024
The European refugee crisis had a major impact on Czech foreign policy. Some of the basic foreign policy ideas have been confirmed, others have been reconsidered. The project examines the impact of the crisis on the development of Czech foreign policy ideologies and national roles. It raises the following research questions: 1) Which of the previous foreign policy ideologies proved relevant and what new ideologies have emerged? 2) How was the concept of the national role formed in the Czech context? 3) What roles were constructed in the Czech political discourse? 4) Were these roles recognised by other relevant actors (the EU, Germany and V4)? Based on the content analysis and interpretative case study, the project aims to identify major foreign policy ideas and both ideologies and roles that have constituted Czech foreign policy-making.
3 300 000 Kč
Focal images: Violence and Inhumanism in contemporary art and media culture
PhDr. Tomáš Kobes, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2024
The project offers an interdisciplinary analysis of modern “inhumanism” of contemporary images in the perspective of contemporary art. The key operational concept of “focal images” stands for the images that violently reconfigure man’s relationship both to the world and to himself. However, in the case of the “focal images” such violence remains hidden, as does the very figurative nature of the operation in question. Images of this type represent the relationship between man and the world as inappropriate, the cruelty being already rooted in their technological nature (mainly digital, but not necessarily). Yet instead of vivisecting and translating images into the language of analysis, the interdisciplinary team will expose the selected influential images as peculiar “lenses” whose convergent projection is an “inhuman” image of man. The project will enter a gallery environment as well. Besides an English monograph and a series of fourteen articles, there will be a group exhibition, three international workshops and three seminars for lay audience at the National Gallery in Prague.
919 000 Kč
Eneolithic long barrows in Bohemia and reconstruction of the ritual landscape around the hill of Říp
PhDr. Petr Krištuf, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2021 — 31. 12. 2023
The project focuses on the key theme of European prehistory: the beginnings of burial mounds and manifestations of monumentality. Long barrows, burial monument of the Proto-/Early Eneolithic in Central/Northwestern Europe are representing the earliest manifestation of funerary monumentality of the European farming communities, following tradition of Neolithic longhouses. Their systematic research in Bohemia did not develop for long time. Aerial prospection in recent decades has identified several sites with the probable occurrence of these monuments. Their concentration in the Říp hill region enables the study of their landscape context. The research methodology is based on extensive geophysical prospection and a combination of archaeological and scientific methods. We aim to clarify the origin, development and purpose of these hitherto unknown monuments using spatially limited excavation and pedological sampling of 2 sites and thus contribute to the discussion of the origin of burial mounds in the Central European Neolithic & Eneolithic and their significance in the ritual landscape.
1 645 000 Kč
Network diffusion and social cohesion: the role of the clustering coefficient
Ing. Jaromír Kovářík, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2021 — 31. 12. 2023
This project analyzes methodologically, theoretically, and empirically the role of social cohesion--measured by the clustering coefficient--in network diffusion. High clustering coefficient, the benchmark network measure of social cohesion, is a typical feature of social and economic networks, but its role in diffusion processes is understudied. This project is divided in three parts. We, first, present a methodology for how to improve the measurement of social cohesion in networks conceptually and empirically (from standard network data sets). Second, we employ a simple abstract model of network diffusion to provide microfoundations for whether, and if so how, social cohesion shapes the diffusion of information, opinions, behaviors, and the like. Last, we design a strategy to test these predictions empirically. We provide preliminary evidence that clustering shapes diffusion but the direction of the effect depends on the diffused phenomenon. In our examples, clustering favors the diffusion of exercising among adolescents but slows down the diffusion of smoking.
1 818 000 Kč
Dual models of phenomenal consciousness
Mgr. Michal Polák, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2020 — 31. 12. 2022
Dual theory of consciousness is the thesis that so-called phenomenal properties can occur already at the unconscious level. The primary aim of our research project is to explore the dual hypothesis of consciousness in its four main varieties (i.e, pure, weaker, richer and componential) and make it more strongly present in the field of international consciousness studies so that its strengths and weaknesses can be extensively debated. This will involve clarifying the very notion of phenomenality and specifying the role it plays in our conscious and unconscious mental lives. Another goal of the project is to defend the notion of unconscious percpetion against some recent criticisms. The results of the project will be of interest not only to empirically informed philosophers of mind, but also to empirical researchers of consciousness such as cognitive neuroscientists or experimental psychologists. Ultimately, our results could contribute to the ongoing attempts to formulate a general, empirically grounded theory of phenomenal consciousness.
1 681 000 Kč
The Cultural Evolution of Moralizing Religions in the Ancient Mediterranean: A Distant Reading Approach
Mgr. Vojtěch Kaše, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2020 — 31. 12. 2022
The project aims to contribute to an ongoing debate in the cognitive science of religion and cultural evolution on factors responsible for the emergence of moralizing religions. Scholars propose either social complexity or economic prosperity as the key forces in these cultural processes and often refer to the religious history of the ancient Mediterranean in their arguments. In this regard, the project aims to explore the Affluence Hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that the emergence of moralizing religions was caused by shifts in life-history strategies in response to the increase in economic prosperity. The project aims to evaluate this hypothesis by analyzing economic, demographic and religious dynamics of the ancient Mediterranean. To achieve this goal, the project will apply the methods of distant reading to explore the spatial and temporal relationships between occurrences of moralizing religions motifs in digitized corpora of ancient texts and inscriptions in Greek and Latin on the one hand and the level of affluence based on socio-economic proxy data on the other.
1 281 000 Kč
Comparing urban morphological transformation in precolonial to colonial urban traditions
Monika Baumanová M.A., Ph.D.
1. 1. 2020 — 31. 12. 2022
Before globalisation, urbanism emerged repeatedly in various past cultures, shaping long-term societal traditions and economic relations. Disciplines such as archaeology, human geography and sociology recognise the determinant aspects of the spatial dimension of urban lifeways, which applies regardless of cultural and local specificities. Key characteristics of urban morphology in precolonial urban traditions changed by the transforming effects of colonialism and conditions of socio-economic exchange. Using recorded and published data on three continents, East and North Africa, Mexico and Iberia, the project will articulate how the spatial-material structure of access routes, public spaces, and the distribution of functional buildings transformed in each region’s precolonial and colonial contexts. Applying empirical urban theory, including space syntax and sensory environment analyses, a range of mapped visualisations, GIS-based and interpretive analyses will be produced. Comparisons will identify key commonalities and differences in the patterns of spatial transformation.
4 266 000 Kč
Health System of the First Czechoslovak Republic in the Context of National and Social Composition of the State – Center vs. Periphery
doc. PhDr. Lukáš Novotný, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2020 — 31. 12. 2022
The goal of the project is to prepare a comprehensive monograph on health care in the First Czechoslovak Republic. In the course of the research, the health policy of the state will be analysed in detail and the financing of health care provision for the inhabitants of central and peripheral regions of all parts of the Republic will be analysed: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia. The state’s health and social policy will be monitored with regard to colourful ethnic composition of the state. Not only the linguistic needs of classical ethnic groups, but also the specific culturally differentiated needs of the Jewish community, Greco-Catholic and Orthodox Ruthenians from Eastern Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia and Roma living mainly in the eastern half of the Republic as a socially excluded and mixed language community. Also, the concept of education policy of the state in the area of education, especially of medical personnel, will not be left out of focus in the research.
1 204 000 Kč
Constructing Pragmatism - Wilfrid Sellars and the Pragmatist Tradition
Mgr. Stefanie Dach
1. 1. 2020 — 31. 12. 2023
The aim of the project is to examine different conceptions of the philosophical attitude called “pragmatism”. These conceptions will be investigated by studying how Wilfrid Sellars, one of the great 20th century analytical philosophers, is being situated in or outside the pragmatist tradition. The project focuses on pragmatist aspects of Sellars’s work which have been neglected so far, and on aspects of his work which, though generally regarded as pragmatist, might be inconsistent with other Sellarsian claims of a more naturalist and realist kind. The project contributes to international scholarship both on pragmatism and Sellars. It raises awareness for neglected pragmatist themes in Sellars’s work and thus for potentially suppressed conceptions of pragmatism. It also adds a new viewpoint to the debates on the reconcilability of pragmatism with more radical forms of naturalism and to studying how philosophical labels are constructed and applied. The project outcomes include a monograph in English, two articles published in journals indexed in Scopus and four conference papers.
1 411 000 Kč
Fertility and population growth in Central Europe from Neolithic to Medieval times: an application of stochastic simulations
Mgr. Patrik Galeta, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2021
Palaeodemography has experienced a significant methodological shift from the naïve adoption of modern demographic methods to the use of Bayes’ logic in the life table analysis and parametric models of mortality. Especially promising is the use of age-at-death ratios, i.e. ratios of subadult to adult skeletons, that correlate with fertility and growth rates. The previous research, however, has focused on the fertility and growth rate changes during the Neolithic demographic transition. The knowledge about the fertility changes in the following 5000 years is limited. On the methodological level, little attention has been paid to the stochastic variation of ratios in small-sized skeletal samples that may have a substantial impact on results. We will propose a methodology for the estimation of fertility and population growth levels using age-at-death ratios that fully acknowledge the stochastic variation and collect a large set of age-at-death data in skeletal samples to explore trends in fertility and growth rates from the Neolithic to the Medieval times in Central Europe.
1 692 000 Kč
Construction of organized crime representations in the policies on organized crime in the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2016
Mgr. Petr Kupka, Ph.D.
1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2021
The project aims at understanding the process of constructing representations of organized crime (OC) in the policies on organized crime between 1989 and 2016. Specifically, the project focuses on ways of constructing the representations linked to organized crime (actors, activities, events) in the Czech political documents. Emphasis will be put on the identification of dominant and contesting representations, on the processes of constructing the representations and on the influence ascribed to them at the time when organized crime policies were being adopted. The research will be based on critical discourse analysis of political documents dealing with organized crime, and 30 interviews with representatives of institutions co-/producing these documents. While documents will be used to identify the representations, interviews with their authors will shed light on the process of their construction.
3 307 000 Kč
Non-classical Interpretation of the Aristotelian Logic and Theory of Predication
Mgr. Ludmila Dostálová, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2021
It is widely assumed that Aristotle is the founder of logic as an independent scientific discipline. Being so, he is therefore regarded as the predecessor of modern classical logic. Hence Aristotelian logic is often treated as classical and as just a fragment of the canonical modern extensional logic, namely first-order predicate logic. Beside that, semantics for Aristotelian logic is seen as set-theoretical, represented mostly by Venn Diagrams. However, when one analyzes Aristotles’ logical writings, it appears that the original Aristotles’ logic does not satisfy the first principal of classical logic, i.e. the principle of extensionality. This fact appears much more obvious when we further inspect medieval non-traditional interpretations of Aristotelian theory of predication. Based on these observations we will demonstrate that the original Aristotles’ logic was not classical, cannot be interpreted adequately in the framework of first order logic and its semantics is not set-theoretical. Finally, we will propose a new interpretation of Aristotles’ original logic as a sortal logic.
596 000 Kč
Changes in the Conception of Space in Presocratic Cosmologies
Mgr. Radim Kočandrle, Ph.D.
1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2021
The aim of this project is to investigate the development of the conception of space in Presocratic cosmologies. Due to lack of textual sources, these cosmologies have not been satisfactorily reconstructed as yet. This project, however, assumes that a notion of space is the foundation of any conception of the universe. An investigation into changes in the conception of space should thus help us reconstruct certain key aspects of Presocratic cosmologies. Crucial in this context is a distinction between the Ionian and the Italian school of Presocratic philosophy. We claim that in the Ionian school, it was assumed that the Earth is flat, and the universe stretches only between it and the heaven. Heavenly bodies were then viewed as meteorological phenomena that move only above the Earth. The Italian school of philosophy, on the other hand, assumed a spherical universe and a spherical Earth located within the space of the universe. Heavenly bodies were then viewed as concrete objects that move also under the Earth. This conception culminated in the works of Aristotle.
1 551 000 Kč
Expert Knowledge Diffusion in International Politics: the Concept of Epistemic Infrastructure and Why it Matters
doc. PhDr. Šárka Cabadová Waisová, Ph.D.
1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2021
Despite there is a number of publications about “knowing” and “diffusion” in IR, there are no publications connecting both. The question “how expert knowledge is diffused in international politics” remained unnoticed. The main reason for this situation is due to the fact that we have no theoretical framework of knowledge diffusion in international politics, there exist very limited convincing empirical documentations demonstrating how expert knowledge is diffused in international politics and we are missing an effective methodological tool to analyze the diffusion process. The main goal of this project is to 1)to develop a concept which makes it possible to research the diffusion of expert knowledge in international politics (the concept of epistemic infrastructure), 2)to find methodological instruments to analyze the diffusion of expert knowledge in international politics, 3)to collect satisfactory empirical evidences of expert knowledge diffusion in international politics, and 4)based on detailed empirical evidences to revise the concept developed in the first stage of the project.
941 000 Kč
Islamic Bioethics in Contemporary Iran
Mgr. Veronika Sobotková, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2019 — 31. 12. 2020
The development of medical technologies creates new questions whether these technologies are ethically correct and can be used. In Islamic countries are these questions answered by Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). In Iran, theocratic country with dominant Shi‘ite Islam has the Islamic jurisprudence a major say in the formation of ethical and moral attitudes of people, as well as in the creation of the official legal framework. This project therefore aims to comprehensively present a range of attitudes of contemporary Iranian Shi‘ite ‘ulama’ towards selected issues of bioethics: abortion, brain death and transplantation, genetic testing and engineering, gene therapy, cloning and stem cell therapy. These questions are directly related to the theological questions of the boundaries of human life and death, the extraordinariness of the human being, the inviolability of human body and the human creation. However, their legal solution has a very real impact on the authorization / prohibition of these technologies and hence on the possibility of solving serious medical problems.
495 00 Kč
TA ČR (Technology Agency of Czech Republic)
The Increase in Competitive Advantage of External Economic Relations of the Czech Republic: the Combination of Regional and Sectoral approach (program ÉTA)
doc. PhDr. Šárka Cabadová Waisová, Ph.D.
1. 4. 2020 – 30. 9. 2023
The goal of the project is 1) to develop and to test the methodology and the template of regional-sectoral evaluation analysis of foreign markets for Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs; this type of analyses is planned to be one of the pillars of Czech economic diplomacy; 2) to develop and to test the e-training-course as the didactic tool for the use of the methodology; 3) to produce 14 pilot regional-sectoral evaluation analysis which will be used to test the methodology and e-training-course as well as to directly increase tools of the Czech economic diplomacy. Regional-sectoral evaluation analysis of foreign markets are used also by other countries and are understood as the progressive tool to produce the comparative advantage and to support the economic interest of the country.
3 306 771 Kč
Analysis of texts with potentially extremist content - a methodological approach (program ÉTA)
PhDr. Ondřej Stulík, Ph.D.
1. 5. 2020 -31. 12. 2022
The aim of the project is to develop a methodological approach for analysing the content of potentially extremist texts applicable by expert witnesses and police authorities. The project will result in defining the approaches, the individual process steps and methods of data collection and analysis relevant for assessing the potentially extremist texts. Purpose is to anchor and refine the work of expert witnesses in assessing the issue of extremism, which will increase the relevance, reliability and predictability of the conclusions of their analyzes in criminal proceedings and academia. Increasing the relevance, reliability and predictability will also contribute to enhancing the effectiveness and legal certainty in criminal proceedings.
1 057 975 Kč
The landscape as a knowledge (program ZÉTA)
Mgr. Martin Loukota
1. 6. 2020 – 31. 5. 2022
The objective of this project is to use all available data, that are being employed in non-destructive archaeology and history, to capture the current status of archaeological relics and to discover unknown objects of anthropogenic origin at the chosen districts Tachov (microregion severní Stříbrsko) and Plzeň-jih (microregion Stodsko a Merklínsko). By limiting the scope of the relics we will get an image of the historical development at the aforementioned regions. A map, which will be created for this purpose will serve as a base for correct predictions of the sites endangered by construction work. The results of the project will be shared with the general public through museums and will find a use in the sphere of project, modified by the applicant garant - Archaeological Institute.
5 334 000 Kč
Evaluation of the progress of the process of integration of foreigners in the long term perspective (program ÉTA)
Mgr. Alena Pařízková, Ph.D.
1. 8. 2020 – 31. 12. 2023
The main aim of the proposed project is to create tools for evaluating the integration process of foreigners and subsequently increase the effectiveness of integration work. We will research the State Integration Program (SIP), implemented by the Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of the Interior ( RFA MOI). We will map and define indicators that are key to the success of the integration process and the methodologies developed will provide instructions on how to meet these indicators to be more effective in integration work. Integration workers of the RFA MOI will be adequately trained in the use of new methodologies and will be acquainted with other aspects of integration work. Employees of other cooperating organisation will also be acquainted with the project outputs.
7 222 573 Kč
Postgraduate Education of Social Workers for the Field of Spirituality in Social Work in Social Services for Elderly (program ÉTA)
doc. PhDr. Jan Váně, Ph.D.
1. 8.2020 – 31. 12. 2023
On the basis of a survey of spirituality and religiosity in selected groups of social work clients (elderly), the research project aims to create a concept of postgraduate education for social workers in the field of spirituality in social work in the Czech Republic, and to evaluate this concept in interaction with practitioners for whom the courses will be designed.
1 503 696 Kč
Professional training of prison chaplains in the context of prison (program ÉTA)
doc. PhDr. Jan Váně, Ph.D.
1. 1. 2019 – 31. 12. 2021
The main aim of the project is to make a contribution to the innovation of professional preparation of to-be chaplains who work in the Czech prisons. This aim will be achieved by the preparation and implementation of vocational course for university students. A partial aim is to create an outline and a content of the course that will help the chaplains with training for their work in the Czech prisons. Especially, the course will reflect specifics of the prison world with an emphasis on a role and importance of a spiritual care and prison chaplains’ work in the Czech prisons. As far as we know, no similar course is taught at Czech universities. The realization of this project will lead to the development of the fields such as theology, penitentiary sociology and sociology of religion.
1 508 220 Kč
NAKI II (Programme of Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity)
Map of Czech Castles: Castles as Cultural Phenomenon, Subject of Research and Remains of the Past
PhDr. Josef Hložek, Ph.D.
1. 3. 2023– 31. 12. 2027
The aim of this project is to create a set of means which will significantly enhance and make more efficient research activities of Czech castles (digital map encompassing various research fields) and define risks related to the current use of the castle sites. It will also suggest options for preservation, development and heritage management (methodology for preserving archaeological terrains). These goals will be supplemented by presentation of cultural heritage (an exhibition concentrated on medieval castles) and a set of publications focusing on the needs of both experts and the general public. The project fulfils and connects 3 priorities of the NAKI III program: 1, 16 and 17. Digital Map of Czech Castles and Methodology of Preserving Archaeological Terrains Related to Castle Sites will be the main outputs of this project. The methodology will focus on questions of identification and classification of archaeological potential of castles in relation to their state of preservation and understanding and options for further preservation of archeological terrains where the castle sites are used at present. The exhibition Castles as a Cultural Phenomenon, Subject of Research and Remains of the Past. The 20th Century as the Century of Castle Survey mapping the development of research of the castles in Bohemia is linked to these outputs. An extensive critical catalogue will be a part of the exhibition.
5 059 000 Kč
Memory of Graveyards: Exploration and Documentation for Sustainable Care for the Sepulchral Monuments in the former Sudetenland
PhDr. Lada Wagnerová, Ph.D.
1. 3. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
The aim of the project is to create and to implement the tools for the identification, comprehensive exploration, documentation and presentation of sepulchral monuments on partly abandoned historical cemeteries with cultural value, endangered with hazard or fundamental change of their substance. The project focuses mainly on the border regions of the Czech Republic due to the concentration of relevant objects and localities in the former Sudetenland, where the cultural continuity has been significantly interrupted in the last century. This applies to thematic priority 1.1.a). One of the goals of the project will be verification of created method, as well as model processing of selected localities into a specialized map. Thus, the various levels of documentation and passportization of cemeteries and collections of sepulchral monuments will be presented using a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach consisting of cultural-historical, art historical and material aspects with respect to maintenance and sustainable care, according to thematic priority 2.1.c). The experience will be shared mainly through the main outputs: methodize, specialized map, and the exhibition with critical catalogue dedicated to methods of identification and exploration of sepulchral monuments as documents of the cultural development of former Sudetenland before 1945.
4 498 000 Kč
Late Middle Age Pottery as Part of Movable Cultural Heritage
Mgr. Ladislav Čapek, Ph.D.
1. 3. 2018 – 31. 12. 2021
The aim of the project Late Middle Age Pottery as Part of Movable Cultural Heritage is as much as possible to link current research of late medieval pottery with practice, ie. provide professionals engaged within their institutions a methodological support. The purpose is to provide the necessary knowledge about the applied methodological procedures at each step of the cognitive process in order to achieve optimal standards, ie. in the process of acquisition ceramics during field research, after laboratory processing, recording, description, documentation, cataloging and archiving, when the ceramics become objects of museum character. It also includes additional modern analysis of organic residues. Within specific objective Ceramics as a technological problem will be developed modern techniques, tools and technologies in archaeometric research of ceramics using X-ray fluorescence. The developed methods will be tested on the basis of experimental research. The result will be to obtain detailed information on the structure and properties of ceramic materials that can be used not only to study the technology of ceramics, but also to design an appropriate laboratory, conservation and restoration process and other preventive provision. The results will be published through map of archaeometric analysis. The specific objective Bringing the results of ceramic study for professional, presentation and educational purposes (Ceramics and public) is accessing of the result of medieval pottery research through modern media. Specific objective will be implemented in the form of: digital data archive for archiving information on regional medieval pottery research with map of pottery assemblages, archaeological 3D virtual museum for the presentation of valuable medieval pottery assemblages and interactive exhibition. Part of the objective is to create publication on methods of ceramics research and presentation of results through workshops and conferences.
4 720 000 Kč